23 April 2014


There's something really interesting in exploring local markets. Perhaps as with a country's language, I think you can learn a lot about a culture through food, and the perfect place to start is at the market. Along with the regular carrots and cabbages there are the weird and wonderful. And the extension of the market - the street-side stalls, selling fruits, sweets, snacks, toys. Among the weird and wonderful in Mexico.... Grasshoppers, hundreds of types of chillies of all colours, divine stringy cheese, piles of pumpkin flowers, flower stalls selling flower teddy bears, dogs and "minions", cactus as a vegetable (a bit like okra when cooked), and the sweetest, most delicious mangoes in all the world. 

Preserved fruits and vegetables

Delicious Oaxaca stringy mozzarella cheese - rolled up in balls down the bottom of the picture

De-thorning cactus


Chillies and piles of grasshoppers

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