14 April 2014

Obsessed with Alebrije

A fellow tourist commented to me the other day that he once said to his wife when they returned from Mexico on another visit "where did all the colour go?" - and so far this seems to truly sum up Mexico. Everywhere you look here, it seems as if some (very stylish) giant has taken a whole bunch of multi-colour paint tins and just sloshed them all over the place. Colour is vibrant and EVERYWHERE. Perhaps no more so than these gorgeous little alebrije (brightly colored Oaxacan-Mexican folk art sculptures) which I am presently completely obsessed with.

Hundreds of itty bitty alebrije! 

Huge coyote in production; larger pieces prior to painting. Men carve the pieces from wood, women paint them

Lion - with hair made from fibres of the agave plant (which is also the plant that makes tequila)

Cat? Coyote? Who knows and who cares - this is a whole lotta cute. 


Crab! Owl! Turtle! Bug! Fish! Crazy blue spiky monster thing!

Howling coyotes

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