28 April 2014

Spectacular Cenote

From Campeche we spent a day visiting these incredible underground ¨cenote¨, natural sinkholes filled with freshwater one theory suggests were created a few million years back when the great asteroid that struck earth and killed all the dinosaurs (which apparently hit in or near Mexico?). These sinkholes are found all through the region and are just amazing... cool, clear, and the bluest of water. They´re very deep, too! Ancient Mayans believed them to be sacred (not surprisingly, given how dry the land is here) and excavations have found gold and other precious things from that era that had been thrown in, presumably as offerings to the gods.

Inside the first cenote, a cave accessed from a hole beneath a tree... Felt a little bit like Alice falling down a rabbit hole!

Abdul climbing back up after a dip in the water underneath

The second cenote, so clear, clean and blue... Little fish swimming around us - the kind they use in fish therapy! Perfect to swim in on a hot 40 degree day.

The last cenote we visted, 29 metres deep

Abdul helping our driver get the cart back on the track... There´s only one track so when another cart comes in the other direction, you have to pull the cart off the tracks!

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