02 May 2014


Uxmal, where iguanas now rule what was once (yet another) hugely important city, and yes, also Unesco World Heritage listed. This place was allied with Chichén Itzá for a period of its history, to the extent that roads were built connecting both buildings at the site, as well as with Chichén Itzá. It was another large place with many buildings, dominated by a pyramid now known as the Dwarf's Pyramid, or Magician Pyramid/House. Why? Because a well-loved and long-ruling king happened to be both a dwarf (they even had to re-build the steps so they were small enough for him to climb - the first attempt made them too far-spaced apart), as well as a talented herbalist and astrologer, hence people believed he had magical powers. 

Magician's temple

Abdul at the Nunnery Quadrangle. Can't recall why it was given this name (the contemporary name since nobody knows the name it was called back in the day). However I do recall that facing inwards are four buildings, representing North (royalty), East (priests), South (the community), and West (warriors/soldiers). Each building is decorated and was used accordingly.

Pretty little yellow bird I saw and couldn't resist snapping

A later ruler (from another Mayan tribe) took over Uxmal and because he wasn't so popular, he constructed this newer building on top of a hill so that he had a safe vantage point from which to make sure he was not going to be attacked by the people he had just overthrown

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