08 May 2014

Isla Contoy and the Tale of Unfortunate Sea-sickness

On our last day in Isla Mujeres we went on an ill-fated boat ride to Isla Contoy - also colloquially known as Bird Island (because thousands, including pink flamingoes, nest there) - for some snorkelling and beach action. Sadly, poor little Clairey received an excellent dose of sea-sickness and spent a good while vomiting (violently, some may say) at the rear end of the shipping vessel we were aboard. Luckily, once on solid (powdery white sandy) ground again, Claire re-established her balance and quickly began to enjoy the destination. 

Adorable friendly stingray! Was a little alarmed at how close people were getting to this creature until I realised it was actually just hoping to be fed... Beautiful thing. People were able to touch it as it swam up to them to check to see if they were going to gift it some nibbles

The aftermath... Preparing for some more vomiting :( 
(Btw how awesome is my super sun-smart swimming gear??!!)

Lagoon and the ocean - just look at the colour of that water!

And fully recovered :)

Abdul (not Claire) swims off with the crowd for some snorkelling on the way back to Isla Mujeres

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