07 May 2014

Mexican Cuisine

It must be said - Mexican food is pretty damn good. Here are some highlights (well, the ones we remembered to take a picture of, anyway).

Me eating fresh tacos in San Cristobal de las Casas, Abdul having finished his plate of something or other

Molletes - these tasty little babies are cheap and found just about anywhere there's a roadside food stall. We munched on these in Oaxaca. I also think this is where I managed to pick up a stomach bug. They were still yummy. 

Preparing tortillas

At last I am able to try mole!!! (Pronounced mo-lay). I am not kidding, this one was called "Subcomandante Marcos" (which may mean something to those who know a little about revolution in Chiapas). It was delicious. We ate it at a favourite restaurant in Oaxaca which had more than just a little revolutionary zest, sporting posters for just about every political hot topic on the planet you could name... Also where we found a lino-cut print on the wall in bahasa Indonesia!!!

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